There are three key principles that lead to the perpetuation and success of any organization.

Standard of conduct Beta Theta Pi and the Delta Theta Chapter has set forth certain
Principles and objectives in its constitution, By-laws, and Creeds. These are action steps on which society can measure our objectives and results. It is incumbent upon us as members of Delta Theta of Beta Theta Pi to uphold these principles and objectives.

Accountability We are all accountable to the principles and objectives of our organization. Our success must be judged by our accomplishment, or failure to accomplish, the objectives of Beta Theta Pi and Delta Theta’s standard of conduct. Our chapter will be judged by the national fraternity on our adherence to these principles. There must be consequences for not inculcating and adhering to these standards in our chapter or as individual members.

Integrity We gain integrity from how we adhere to, and accomplish the goals of our fraternity. Integrity is our foundation for success. Integrity is more than honesty; there are honest crooks. Integrity leads to an internal strength for our fraternity and for us as members. It is the foundation for a strong future as a fraternity and as individuals.

SAI = Standard of Conduct, Accountability, Integrity Key to our success now and in the future.

